Harder & Mehl
Aesthetic Dentistry
Aesthetic dentistry is one of the specialities of our dental clinic. We can gently and effectively correct tooth misalignment, unsightly tooth shapes, tooth discolouration, or gum problems with state-of-the-art dental aesthetic treatment methods.
Veneers & Bleaching
We want you to go through life with a radiant smile. Beautiful and aesthetically perfect teeth can help with that. Aesthetic dentistry offers us various ways to improve the aesthetics of your teeth. From veneers and bleaching to plastic gum corrections, we offer you a wide range of treatments.
Based on a detailed diagnosis and analysis of the problem, we first plan the necessary treatment steps virtually (Digital Smile Design®) and then implement these changes in close consultation with you and our dental technicians. This is a prerequisite for perfect aesthetic results.
Let our highly skilled team advise you personally – you can rely on our expertise.
Veneers are very thin ceramic covers that are stuck to the anterior and posterior teeth. They cover up discolourations and cracks. They correct broken-off bits and malpositions. They extend short teeth, and they make spaces between teeth seem more even. The aim of a treatment involving veneers is to keep as much of the healthy tooth substance as possible.
Treatment procedure for veneers
Beautiful and white teeth convey attractiveness and self-confidence. People with bright teeth tend to be perceived as healthier and better groomed. They find it easier to smile, and they exude authority and dynamics.
Not all of us are lucky enough to have been born with bright and white teeth. There may be several reasons for dark discolourations of your teeth. Colour pigments from products such as coffee, tee, tobacco or food may all affect the colour of our teeth. Professional dental cleaning done at your dentist’s practice can easily remove these discolourations. Bleaching, a cosmetic treating used for brightening your teeth, is a good option when the discolouration of your teeth can be attributed to dark tooth structure, yellowish discolourations as a result of medication or genetic disposition.
Make your dream of white teeth come true now. You can choose from a range of bleaching methods that will allow us to noticeably brighten your teeth within a short time - carefully and for the long term.
Bleaching: Before and after pictures
Finally white teeth: How does bleach at the dentist’s work?
Would you like to have whiter teeth? Learn more about what a patient's tooth can be expected to look like before and after having undergone bleaching, how the treatment is done at the practice and what its limitations are.
Plastic gum corrections
Issues with the colouring and shape of your gums can be addressed through micro surgical interventions. For more information on plastic periodontal treatment please see here.
Gum surgery: Beautiful gums thanks to surgery
Asymmetric gums can be correcting through surgery. Our video shows how this treatment works.
FAQ Veneers & Bleaching
In our dental laboratory, we create plaster models from dental impressions. Alternatively, we can also start from digital scans of the teeth. From these models, the dental technician can individually shape the veneers. To do this, the ceramic shell is moulded in wax and then pressed (pressed veneer) or individually layered in ceramic (multi-layered ceramic shell). The dental technician then fires and paints them, and the ceramic shells are ready for the test fitting.
At the test fitting, we place the veneer in the patients mouth and check the fit, form, and colour of the veneer. If all is in order and the patient is satisfied, we attach the ceramic shell to the tooth with a special bonding cement. You can start applying force to the veneers straight away.
The cost of veneers depends on several factors. The more veneers required to be made, the lower the cost for the dental laboratory. So, for example, if all front teeth are to be fitted with veneers, the individual price per veneer is lower than that of a single veneer. In addition, pressed veneers are somewhat cheaper than individually layered ones.
On average, the ceramics have a durability of about 20 years. The recent developments in high-performance ceramics have contributed to the fact that now, even thin ceramic shells have a long lifespan.
There is one big advantage: in order to apply a veneer, much less of the tooth substance must be ground off than for a ceramic crown, so healthy tooth substance can be saved. However, if there is no longer sufficient available tooth substance, as can be the case for heavily filled or broken teeth, a crown or partial crown may be more appropriate. We will always decide which option is most suitable in consultation with you.
The colour of the ceramic does not change – bleaching, which is necessary for natural teeth, is not needed. Strongly coloured foodstuffs such as coffee can, however, also lead to discolouration of the veneers. This can be quickly and easily removed as part of a professional tooth cleaning with us. In addition, the veneer will be polished, so that we can ensure that the veneer has a permanently stable colour.
Since the teeth must be prepared when using conventional veneers, the veneers generally remain in the patient’s mouth for a lifetime. On the other hand, non-prep veneers can be removed again if required, since the tooth does not have to be ground, and thus the healthy tooth substance is retained. In addition, a short appointment in our practice will be enough to make an impression of the teeth, before the veneers can be glued on.
Bleaching is a very successful and gentle method to lighten the natural colour of the teeth, without damaging the tooth surface. This cosmetic procedure, in which active oxygen discolours the dark coloured pigments of the tooth, can be applied to entire rows of teeth and individual teeth alike. Stubborn stains which cannot be removed during professional cleaning are removed gently but effectively.
Professional bleaching in a dental practice will not damage the teeth. Through the chemical procedure, the tooth enamel becomes slightly more susceptible to acids such as fruit juices. However, this effect can be mitigated by a subsequent local fluoridation. After the teeth whitening, the treated teeth may temporarily become more sensitive to temperature.
Basically, there are three different ways to bleach the teeth. You can do “home bleaching” yourself in your own home. For this, you will receive precisely fitting splints for the upper and lower jaw, as well as detailed instructions. You fill the splints with the bleaching compound and wear them for one to four hours per day. In the case of “in-office bleaching”, this splint treatment takes place directly in our practice rooms.
For “chairside bleaching”, or bleaching on the treatment chair, your teeth will be whitened within two hours. The bleaching gel is immediately activated by UV light.
If your teeth darkened after a root canal treatment, we can treat this with a “walking bleach”. In this case, we gently whiten your teeth over the course of several weeks. To achieve this, we fill the root canal with hydrogen peroxide for three to five days, and the tooth’s original colour is restored.
How long the result is maintained depends heavily on individual habits and oral hygiene behaviour. For example, the consumption of coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine, or cola reduces how long the whitening will last. To refresh the effect, the treatment can be repeated, or performed at home with a home bleaching kit.
FAQ Gum Surgery
The term SmileMakeover refers to the complete make over of a patient's teeth for the purpose of making them more beautiful. In most cases we use Veneers (ceramic covers) for this. As part of this treatment the shape, colour, positioning of a patient's teeth and much more can be changed.
Gum augmentation or gum transplantation are two terms referring to the augmentation of the gums. In this treatment for your own gum tissue may be used. Alternatively, artificial materials may also be used. This treatment usually serves the purpose of embellishment or protection of existing structures.
More Questions?
We answer common questions about aesthetic dentistry in detail for you – also gladly in a personal consultation!
Your Specialists for Aesthetic Dentistry
Aesthetic Dentistry for Your Smile
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Christian Mehl
“Aesthetic dentistry offers many possibilities to help give you a beautiful smile. Whether bleaching, veneers, or gum correction – in us, you will always find the perfect partner!”

Your Dental Health in Focus
PD Dr. med. dent. Sönke Harder
“Your dental health and your happiness are the focus of all our treatments. And it is important that you enjoy your new smile for a long time and are completely satisfied!”