Meet our team
Our doctors
Our doctors are highly qualified specialists in their respective areas and they offer you, along with your well-coordinated team, a high degree of professionalism and knowledge in all areas of modern and evidence-based dentistry.
Our dentists
PD Dr. med. dent. Sönke Harder
Specialist in:
- prosthetics (dentures) and implantology
- augmentation surgery
- COMFOUR™ procedures
- aesthetic dentistry and Digital Smile Design®
- periodontal plastic surgery
My main areas of expertise include dental implantology with the associated field of bone regeneration surgery (bone augmentation) and dental prosthetics (dental prosthesis). As a certified specialist for implantology (DGI) and dental prosthetics (DGPro), I have been familiar with both fields for many years and have received comprehensive and continuous further training in these areas.
I have been working as a dentist for 15 years and have followed the progress in my specialist fields of prosthetics and implantology with great interest. In addition to my clinical work in practice, I actively contribute to the further development of these fields as a private lecturer and scientist at the Kiel University Hospital. A large number of publications in international specialist journals, successful participation in international research competitions and, last but not least, admission to the team of authors of the latest standard textbook for implant prosthetics together with Prof. Stefan Wolfart, Prof. Stefan Reich and Prof. Irena Sailer bear witness to this. In addition to teaching the future generation of dentists at university, I share my knowledge and experience in my lectures at home and abroad.
Languages: German, English
Prof. Dr. med. dent. habil. Christian Mehl
Specialist in:
- prosthetics (dentures) and implantology
- COMFOUR™ procedures
- augmentation surgery
- complete dental restoration
- aesthetic dentistry
- reconstructive periodontal surgery
My main areas of expertise are aesthetic dentistry, dental implantology with associated knowledge of augmentation surgery and prosthetics (dental prosthesis), which includes the comprehensive restoration of destroyed dentures. As a certified specialist for prosthetics (DGPro) and implantology (DGI), I have undergone comprehensive further training and keep myself up to date with the latest scientific developments.
I have been working in dentistry for over 15 years and find the developments both as a scientist and practitioner highly exciting. In addition, I can pass on my knowledge and experience as a private lecturer at the University of Kiel to the next generation. I also actively participate in clinical research and further development of dental implant systems. My work has already received the Camlog Research Award. Since the exchange of knowledge is an important part of research and further development, I regularly publish in national and international journals and give lectures at home and abroad by invitation.
Languages: German, English, Russian
Dr. med. dent. Julia Basel, M.Sc.
Specialist in:
- Endodontics (root canal treatment)
- microscope-aided dentistry
- anxiety patients
The focus of Dr. Basel’s clinical activities lies on endodontics (root canal treatments). Since 2010, she has been a certified specialist dentist for endodontology of the Society of Masters for Endodontics (Gesellschaft der Master für Endodontie, GME) (MSc Danube University Krems). Since that time she has exclusively attended to the conservation of teeth by means of the endodontic therapy in private practices in London and Germany.
Speaking: German, English, French
Dr. med. dent. Teresa Englbrecht
Specialist in:
- aesthetic dentistry
- conservative, Invisalign® process
- periodontology
The key focus of Dr. Teresa Bösch's clinical work is the conservative and cosmetic dentistry and periodontology. In October 2014, she completed the Implantology Curriculum of the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI).
Languages: German, English, Italian
Dr. med. dent. Meike Mertens
Specialist in:
- conservative dentistry
- general dentistry
I have completed the study of dentistry at the RWTH Aachen 2018 with top marks. As an assistant, I now strive to apply my current knowledge in the HarderMehl Dental Clinic for the benefit of the patients.
Languages: German, English
Dr. med. dent. Johannes Müller
Specialist in:
- reconstructive dentistry (prosthetics) with a focus on restoring aesthetics and chewing function from single teeth to complete dentures
My focus is on planning, treatment and interdisciplinary coordination of dental restorations. As a reconstructive dentist, I accompany my patients from the initial diagnosis and planning to the completion of therapy in a conservative aftercare programme. I take great pleasure in providing individual solutions according to their wishes and the latest standards and in accompanying my patients empathically and with commitment.
Languages: German, Swiss German, English, French
Anything related to anaesthetics at our practice is taken care of by experienced specialists well-versed in this field. We work closely with two practices specialised in anaesthetics, Narkosepraxis München, Dr med. Alexander S. Boscher, and Dr. med. Orlewicz. This helps us ensure the professional implementation of all sedation and general anaesthetics processes necessary for your surgery.

Dr. med. Alexander S. Boscher
Medical specialist for anesthesiology and emergency medicine
University education:
- Study of human medicine in Munich
- License to practice medicine 1998
- Doctorate at the Institute for Emergency Medicine and Medicine Management of the University of Munich (Institut für Notfallmedizin und Medizinmanagement der Universität München)
Professional activity:
- Specialist training at the Clinic for Anesthesiology (Klinik für Anästhesiologie) of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
- Senior physician and surgery coordinator of the Clinic for Anesthesiology of the LMU Munich until 2011
Additional qualifications:
- Emergency medicine, ATLS®- (Advanced Trauma Life Support) and ACLS®-Provider (Advanced Cardiac Life Support), Instructor Basic Life Support of AHA (American Heart Association)
- Member of the Professional Association of German Anesthetists (Bund Deutscher Anästhesisten, BDA)

Dr. PH Dr. med. Jörg Hoffmann
Medical specialist for anaesthesiology and intensive care
- Studium der Humanmedizin in Marburg, Wien und München
- Studium Public Health an der Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften in Bielefeld und am IBE München
- Promotion in der Abteilung für Transfusionsmedizin und Gerinnungsphysiologie an der Universitätsblutbank Marburg
- Promotion an der Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften der Universität Bielefeld
- Facharztausbildung an der Klinik für Anästhesiologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Intensivmedizin auf der interdisziplinären Intensivstation des Klinikums Großhadern mit Schwerpunkt der perioperativen Betreuung herz-, lungen- und lebertransplantierter Patienten
- Schmerztherapeutische Tätigkeit am Klinikum Innenstadt der LMU München
- Oberarzt der Klinik für Anästhesiologie LMU München bis 2008
- QEP®-Trainer und QEP®-Visitor für die Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung

Dr. med. Zbingiew Orlewicz
Sedation, Anesthesia
Working with HarderMehl since 04/2012
- 1982 - 1983 Medizinalassistent - allg. Krankenhaus Barmbek Hamburg
- 1983 Approbation
- 1984 - 1984 Assistenzarzt an der Anästhesiologischen Abteilung Barmbek
- 1984 - 1986 Assistenzarzt Kreiskrankenhaus Fürstenfeldbruck
- 1986 - 1991 Assistenzarzt BRK I, München
- 1988 Facharzt für Anästhesiologie
- 1989 Promotion, LMU München
- Seit Mai 1991 niedergelassener Anästhesiologe

Dr. med. Peter Hanusch
Anasthesia and intensive medicine
Zusammenarbeit mit Harder & Mehl seit 09/2015
- 1997 Ärztliche Vorprüfung
- 1998 1. Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung
- 2000 2. Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung
- 2001 3. Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung, Teilapprobation
- 2000-2001 Praktisches Jahr (PJ)
- 2003 Vollapprobation
- 2000 Medizinische Klinik I, Klinikum Großhadern (P. Boekstegers)
- Institut für Chirurgische Forschung (ICF) (H. Habazettl)
- Physiologisches Institut Innenstadt (B.F. Becker)
- 2000 Start Dissertation Thema: " Die fibrinogenabhängige Interaktion von polymorphkernigen Granulozyten und Thrombozyten und ihre Bedeutung im reperfundierten Herzen."
- 2002-2003 Arzt im Praktikum an der Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, Klinikum der Universität München (LMU)
- 2003-2009 Assistenzarzt an der Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, Klinikum der Universität München (LMU)
- (Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. K. Peter bzw. ab September 2007 Prof. Dr. Bernhard Zwißler)
- 2004 Promotion
- 2006 Erwerb des Fachkundenachweis Rettungsdienst
- Seit 2006 Interhospitaltransfer von Intensivpatienten (ITW Dienste/ ASB- München)
- 2005 und 2008 Mitglied im Lebertransplantationsteam
- 2006-2008 Hintergrunddienste auf der neurochirurgischen Intensivstation
- 2009 Anerkennung zum Facharzt für Anästhesiologie
- 2009-2014 Dienste als Hintergrundoberarzt auf der chirurgischen Intensivstation Nussbaumstrasse, sowie der anästhesiologischen Intensivstation Maistrasse
- 2011 Erwerb der fakultativen Weiterbildung "spezielle anästhesiologische Intensivmedizin"
- 2012-2014 Kinderanästhesie im Dr. von Hauner´schen Kinderspital
- 2013 Erwerb der fakultative Weiterbildung "spezielle Schmerztherapie"
- Psychosomatische Grundversorgung
- 4/2014-6/2014 Funktionsoberarzt (KUM, Campus Innenstadt)
- 6/2014-8/2016 Facharzt an der Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin am Städtischen Klinikum München (Neuperlach/Harlaching), Leitung PD. Dr. med. T. Felbinger
- 8/2015-10/2016 Teilnahme am Notarztdienst (FW 9, NEF Neuperlach)
- Seit 11/2016 Teilnahme am Notarztdienst (NAW Nymphenburg, 3.Orden)
- Seit 09/2016 Anstellung bei der Anästhesiologischen Gemeinschaftspraxis Dr. Hoffmann-Ottenjann und Dr. Boscher