Dr. med. dent. Teresa Englbrecht
Specialist in conservative dentistry
The key focus of Dr. Teresa Englbrecht's clinical work is the conservative (fillings) and cosmetic dentistry and periodontology. In October 2014, she completed the Implantology Curriculum of the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI).

More information on Dr. Englbrecht:
CV for Dr med. dent. Teresa Englbrecht
2006-2011 Regensburg University, Germany
- 2013 PhD: “The socio-economic status of patients in intensive care and the impact of their status on the seriousness of the patients’ condition”
Professional experience
- 2012 until 2015 Dentist, Munich teaching hospital LMU, Tooth Preservation and Periodontology
- 2015 Dentist at private practices and publicly funded practices in Munich
- November 2015 to present HarderMehl Practice Clinic
- German Association for Implantology (DGI)
- German Association for Dental, Oral, and Maxillo-Facial Medicine (DGZMK)
- English, Italian
- Bein, T., Hackner, K., Schultes, S., Zou, T., Bösch, T. et al. Intensive Care Med. 2012 Apr; 38(4): 612–619. Published online 2012 Jan 25; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3307992/
- Bösch, T. Gesunde Zähne, gesunder Körper - Warum Prophylaxe für die Allgemeingesundheit so wichtig ist. Prophylaxe Journal 2016; 5;1-7
- Bösch, T., Mehl, C. Implantology and Prosthodontics at crossroads - classic vs. modern treatment concepts. 2016; 1;1-7
- Bösch, T., Harder, S., Mehl, C. Höhere Lebensqualität durch festen Zahnersatz - Ein Fallbericht. Dental Barometer. 08; 2016.
- Bösch, T. Mehl, C., Harder, S. Der Allgemeinarzt. Parodontitis - Gefahr aus der Mundhöhle. 2016 in press.